Romans 10 is a beautiful picture in to Paul’s heart. As Paul begins the chapter, he earnestly states his heart for his ministry, that people would be saved and not have a false sense of security in their salvation because of their knowledge of the law. One thing that is important to this introduction is that Paul wanted people to know the truth and that truth is Jesus Christ. He wasn’t solely concerned with Gentiles at this point but with the Jews as well. He was observant in verse 3 that they are ignorant to God’s righteousness and concerned with trying to obtain their righteousness of their own merit. No matter how much knowledge people had, no matter how well they obeyed the law and how religious they were, without Christ the rest of those things were basically just dust.
What can we learn from Paul and this chapter? The basis of this chapter is that no matter how sincere a person may be in their religion, no matter how much they rely on their own knowledge, they will always be learning but never come to knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7). We are commissioned as believers to share the truth of Jesus Christ and His word.
Paul gives us an insight into the model of salvation beginning in verse 9. He begins to teach if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). He unpacks it in the next verse by breaking it down saying, “For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth, one confesses will be saved” (Romans 10:10).
This isn’t empty confession but something much deeper. With that confession and belief comes submission to the lordship of Christ. When we move from obedience out of obligation, the renewing of the mind transforms a works-based theology. We understand that that righteousness is what we become, and salvation has to do with what we escape.
As salvation is spelled out at the beginning of this chapter, Paul issues a challenge where he asks a series of questions: “How then will they call on Him in who they have not believed, and how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? How are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15).
This is our call to evangelism. As John MacArthur states “The purpose of evangelism is not to use human persuasion and clever devices to manipulate confessions of faith in Christ but to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Christ through which the Holy Spirit will bring conviction and salvation to those who hear and accept the word of Christ.”
It is crucial we pay attention here. We are all called to speak truth, to share Christ, and it is critical that we aren’t using manipulation of emotions just to get a “salvation” count. When we share our faith, is the person putting their faith in us and our savvy words, or are they submitting themselves under the authority and lordship of Christ? Do we have converts who think they are saved, or are we making disciples? Our charge in the Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations.
Next, Paul makes a reference to Isaiah 52:7 when he tells us “how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news” (Romans 10:15). The feet of the gospel givers are considered beautiful because they bring the message of hope, peace, and eternal life. We are transformed, made righteous by Christ alone, and when we share that message, it is a beautiful moment.
The basis of Romans 10 can be applied to us in two ways. Is our zeal and love for Christ based on knowledge of God or based on our relationship with Him? For years, I lived with the knowledge about Christ without ever truly knowing Him. Are we where these people were that Paul was addressing? If that is the case, we need to spend time diligently examining our relationship with God and ask Him to reveal Himself to us that we may know Him.
Another thing we must ask ourselves is where are our feet taking us? Are we diligently sharing the good news of Jesus Christ daily? Are we telling others what He has done in our lives? Are we sharing the bare bones of the Gospel, that Jesus died on the cross so that we may live?
The beauty of the Gospel is too much to keep to ourselves. It is like Jeremiah states in Jeremiah 20:9 that even if we try to keep it in, we can’t…it is like fire in our bones. Ask God to reveal opportunities to share the Gospel, to show others who Jesus is, so that God may draw them to Himself.
The Great Commission is crucial. We are called to make disciples. It is a not a suggestion, but a command. Sometimes it can be an uncomfortable one, but in those cases, we need to frankly get over ourselves. We are not responsible for the results of our obedience, and our reliance is in God Himself.
Let’s share the Gospel, sisters. Let’s use those beautiful feet, and spread the Good News.